Auto Tune Pro Graph Mode

Auto-Tune Pro has two operation modes: Auto or Graph. In Auto Mode, the plug-in automatically adjusts each note to its closest pitch based on the selected key and correction settings. Graph Mode takes Auto Mode one step further by giving you detailed control over the pitch correction.

If you resize the Auto-Tune Pro window via the Preferences menu while in the Auto mode, a black border will appear around the Auto mode interface. This is the expected behavior because the Auto mode interface is not designed to stretch to fill the screen.

How to use autotune pro graph mode

If you switch to the Graph mode after increasing the window size, you'll see that the Graph mode interface does stretch to fill the screen. An increased screen size may only be necessary if you're performing detailed pitch and time correction edits within Auto-Tune Pro's graphical editor, so this is why the Graph mode interface can resize to fill a larger window size.

Antares Auto-tune Pro Graph Mode

Autotune Pro Graph Mode

If you don't like to see the black border around the Auto mode interface when you're working, click on the Settings drop-down menu, go to Preferences, click on the 'Set Min Size' button or type in the minimum screen resolution values, and click 'Save' to resize the window to the smallest setting.

How To Use Autotune Pro Graph Mode